The Holistic Hippie Podcast
With chronic disease and mental health conditions on the rise, more and more people are looking to holistic health practices to combat the negative impacts of living in the modern world. The host of this show is Jessi, aka The Holistic Hippie, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach, Yoga Teacher & Teacher Trainer, Reiki Practitioner, Past-Life Regressionist, and Student of Core Shamanism and Ceremonial Plant-Medicine. Most importantly - she's human. Jessi spent over 10 years struggling with her physical and mental health which is what has inspired her to pursue a career in wellness and why she is so deeply passionate about inspiring others to transform their own health & well-being. This is definitely not your average Health & Wellness podcast. Jessi is obsessed with spiritual growth and transformation and she created this show as a catalyst for collective change; a way for us to "do the work" together and to connect in a conscious community. Every week she delves into a new topic which she explores through the lens of holistic living, sharing openly and honestly from her own experiences. She prides herself on being real and sharing the things that most people won't in order to bring to light the fact that none of us are alone on this journey. If you are ready to take responsibility for your physical, mental, and spiritual health and move from surviving to truly thriving in this life, this is the podcast for you!
The Holistic Hippie Podcast
Episode 14: The Healing Journey
What exactly is healing? What does it mean to heal and what do we need to heal from? There are so many buzzwords going around in the health & wellness industries, and a friend asked me recently "what does it even mean to heal?". I thought this was such a great question to unpack on the pod. This episode goes over the definition of "trauma" and unpacks different situations and scenarios that one may need to heal from. Healing itself is not a linear process and there is no one modality that is a "cure-all". Sometimes our very need to heal creates a quest for us to venture on that actually opens us up to our purpose and path in this life. Any physical or emotional conditions are merely symptoms of imbalance or dis-ease in the mind or body, and it is ultimately the body's attempt at getting our attention so that we can bring our being back into balance & harmony.
Resources mentioned:
Dr. Nicole LePera (Psychologist) IG: @the.holistic.psychologist
Dr. Bruce Lipton (book) The Biology of Belief
Dr. Joe Dispenza (book) You Are The Placebo
Appologies for coughing into the mic at the end of this episode - I promise when I am able to devote more time and resources into this podcast I will learn to edit.
As always, please feel free to connect via IG: @the.holistic.hippie or email jessi@theholistichippie.ca and learn how you can work with me virtually on my website!
In Health & High Vibrations